We Are ABC Planet

All-in-one Virtual Preschool Platform
2044 Fetih Cd.

Meram, Konya 42090

Our History

To become the favorite online educational brand for millions we had to take up the challenges on every single element that constitutes ABC Planet.


  • Cartoon Production

    Our founders, Cemil and Asim, were employees of Kidu.Co, a cartoon studio in Turkey. More than 100 episodes of their cartoons made into the biggest kids TV networks in Turkey.

  • Big Red Lab Experience

    In 2014 Cemil founded Big Red Lab creative agency. BRL team, including Asim as an Art Director, is still producing powerful content (e.g. TV commercials, 2D/3D animations, screenplays/stories etc.) for its partners in United States and Turkey. Turkish Red Crescent, Rhazes Global and AVVA Agency are among their global partners.

  • YouTube History

    Cemil and Asim are not new in creating content that appeals millions. In 2015, their entertainment channel, Belgesel Adam, went viral in YouTube Turkey. Their series went on #1 in YouTube trends attracting millions of views in just a few days.

  • ABC Planet

    The two founded ABC Planet as a YouTube channel in 2016 to create educational cartoons for preschoolers because they were struggling to find healthy content for their own preschoolers at home. Within a short period ABC Planet became favorite education channel for millions of families.

Online Tutoring

Today we are building all-in-one virtual preschool app to bring together early learners, teachers and parents for accessible quality education.


  • Our aim is to deliver complete preschool curriculum virtually by revolutionizing early childhood learning with the magic of gamification in education, and personalized learning and progress tracking powered by AI monitored by teachers&parents.
  • We want to set universal preschool education benchmarks to deliver research-based comprehensive curriculum by today’s standards. It requires expanding the boundaries of early learning through technology (e.g. mobile devices, AR/VR) and gamification of early education topics/subjects.
  • ABC Planet is the pioneer of the concept of Remote Preschooling to ensure continuity of learning in the event of a prolonged school closure or student conditions (e.g. disability, injury, regional or cultural handicaps).
  • To help educators easily remote-manage classrooms we designed teacher friendly tools (as opposed to geek friendly tools) to solve remote schooling challenges in early childhood education.
  • And yet the important part of our vision is we want to completely “hide” this comprehensive teaching structure behind the engaging games and activities so that for kids it would never be any less of a “Minecraft”.

Revolutionary Early Learning App

Introducing ABC Planet, All-in-One Virtual Preschool App


Install the App

Available for iOS, Android, Mac, and the web


Enroll Your Child(ren)

Enroll up to 4 children within a single account. OR connect to your school (at available locations)


Complete Brief Tutorial

Learn how our advanced algorithm customizes learning plan and screen-time based on user’s learning pace


Monitor Your Child’s Progress

Keep track of your child(ren)’s academic progress with weekly reports and 24/7 access to analytics


Accredited Tutoring Services

Aliye Kaan TurkeyKindergarten Teacher
Nina Rodriguez United StatesPreschool Mom
Rajesh Rajput IndiaBig Brother
Alex Gorbunov UkrainePrimary Schooler
Carol BrazilPreschool Mom
“My niece recommended me ABC Planet 2 years ago. Since then it became our kindergarten’s icebreaker on the first day of school. Now I don’t keep telling my classroom that learning is fun, I just show them your videos”
“For the longest time he could say his nickname, Nico, but now he is saying Nicholas so clearly because of your videos. Thank you! Thank you! A million times thank you! Can’t wait for the release of the app. He’s going to love it.”
“My 2 years old sister watches this [Learn A to Z Animals – Learn animals with Ellie] 10 times a day. She knows all the letters in English Alphabet. When she sees metal holes in street [manholes] she shouts loudly OOOO:)”
“I love your cars[referencing our Vehicles series]. I want tractor cartoon. Can you make yellow tractor? [We placed yellow tractor on one of our next videos] RED TRACTOR! This is the best channel. We downloaded all cartoons.”
“[After sending a video of her daughter watching our video on TV] We cannot watch anything in living room. My daughter stole our TV:) [She] couldn’t type [but] used voice command to watch your videos. Now she can type. Thank you ABC Planet”


Is ABC Planet app safe for kids?

Yes. Children’s safety is always our top priority. Our app is completely ad-free and there is no any external link redirection or social interaction. We do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information (name, address, email, etc.) to any third party. Nor will we send you unsolicited email.

When my child can use your app?

Our early learning program is designed for ages 2-8.

What is the Parent Hub?

Parent Hub is a password-protected area within our app where you can constantly improve your parenting and teaching skills, plan your child’s weekly lessons and even organize a record book.

Is your app engaging for children?

Our comprehensive teaching structure is completely “hidden” behind the engaging games and activities so that for kids it would never be any less of a “Minecraft”.

How do I join ABC Planet as a teacher?

Individual teachers and instructors of public and private schools can join ABC Planet for free by registering with their official school e-mail address.

What is ABC Planet Partner School program?

Our Partner School program offers preschools and kindergartens unlimited access to ABC Planet’s educational content, advanced teaching&monitoring tools and remote preschooling features.

What is the Teacher Hub?

From engaging classroom activities to teaching strategies to reach all learners to tips on professional growth, we have a multitude of teacher resources for K-12 educators to take advantage of.

Is your curriculum effective for children?

We offer research-backed AI-powered curriculum, developed by visionary teachers and early childhood professionals, to completely cover basics of preschool education.

Become a Partner School

We are excited to discuss with you about ABC Planet’s tools and resources for your preschool.

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Teach Remotely FREE

Our remote schooling tools and teaching resources hub are free for licensed preschool educators.

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Build the best Preschool

Join our Teacher Hub to shape the best virtual preschool education platform – ABC Planet.

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Subscribe to our teacher email list to receive monthly newsletter and receive exclusive insights.

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